Day 10 - Blogmas in Hollies

Today's lovely gem is about Christmas as an Adult.
Christmas is such a magical thing and I hope to never lose that, but I can see how and tend to agree that Christmas can change throughout your years.
As a child, it is the most magical amazing thing ever, the presents, the time off school and the snow. But as you get older priorities change and shift - it begins to be more about the excuse to drink from 9 AM or the feast rather than the snow. Then as you get even old still it becomes about making it special for someone else, taking over the adult reigns and ensuring the children or other people have a special time.
I am so excited to become the aging father in the big family home, where we host Christmas for my grown up children and their kids. Call it the American cliche but I love that idea so much. For me, Christmas is about the magic and joy that this once pagan tradition has become. Sadly in today's society, we are long from the original origins of Christmas, the story of Jesus and the Nativity. But the underlying message of love, family and hope is still alive and well.
For the moment I'm a stone throw away from 30 with no children so I am stuck in the middle of getting old, wanting to share the magic and having no need to as there is no family yet. That being said the GF has two little sisters (4 & 2) and so I get a chance to see the magic for them, the idea of Santa watching and making tonnes of toys for the nice children. It's wholesome and magical, isn't it!
I have come to appreciate the hard work, money, and commitment that goes into Christmas and the more I think about it and realise - the more I disagree with Wizzard and do not wish it could be Christmas every day. But for what it is worth I love it and will always strive for the best Christmas I can offer to anyone.
Being an adult is hard right.