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The Start

In the beginning there was a man.

That's me (Hello) and I thought this is good.

My name is Ross and this is why I am here . . .

For sometime now I had been thinking about jotting down some of my thoughts, nuggets of wisdom, pure mind baffling moments and questions that make you think "What?".

It originally began as a blog for parenthood and being a Father / Daddy / Papa R Dawg. (Which ever I feel most suitable), but due to the fact I am not expecting to be Papa R Dawg anytime soon that blog has to wait, stewing in my mind like a ticking time bomb.

But wait I don't need to be a Baby Daddy to write a parenthood blog . . . Ka-Boom.

Okay yes I just read that back and it's somewhat lost on me too, but stick with it. This blog, novel, bundle of poorly kept memories can be a start - think of the bigger picture. Life is out there, I am getting scarily closer to the dreaded THREE ZERO (it's like Voldemort, we can't say it out loud or it might come true) and so why don't I just write about everything / anything going on in my life.

I can review quirky restaurants, silly days out and moments of crippling emotional pain and anguish, because lets be honest growing up isn't easy and it's never just a walk in the park.

Then one day when I do become the almighty powerful Papa R-Dawg then this is already in place to document my spawn taking over the intergalactic planetary council. (It'll be a thing in the future, promise)

But here is the kicker, I want this to be as real as possible and I need your help. I need your support, love and dedication, because who knows, one day I could be at the top of the blogger mountain and when I have free T-Shirts to give away, I want to give them to you (Yes you).

So like losing your virginity, bear with me, don't think about the awkwardness and maintain eye contact because it will be over sooner than you think. But in seriousness you can talk or come to me with anything and if it's something you want me to address, tackle and talk about let me know. Email me / Tweet me / Smoke Signal me and I'll try to help out as much as I can.

Here it is to the greatest battle of a man's life - Him vs Adulthood. Wish me luck brothers and sisters.

- Ross Out! *Mic Drop*

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