The New Year Approaches
As the year comes to a close I am left thinking about the New Year, that generic - New Year New Me kind of stuff and what I plan to do in...

Things in Perspective.
Bloggers and Followers of the world. Yesterday was my 27th birthday and firstly I want to say a big "thank you" to everyone who wished me...

Day 12 - Merry Blogmas to All.
This is my final festive Blogmas post - my 12 days are up and the ride has been fun. This post is about Blogmas, Christmas and the New...

Day 11 - Thank God It's Blogmas!
This emotional journey of love, Christmas and festive joy is nearly over. But not yet. Today we talk about Secret Santa. Now for those...

Day 10 - Blogmas in Hollies
Today's lovely gem is about Christmas as an Adult. Christmas is such a magical thing and I hope to never lose that, but I can see how and...

Day 8 - Hark! The Blogmas Angels Sing.
Welcome back my blogger darlings. Today's post for Blogmas is about Christmas Eve traditions. When I used to live with or visit my Dad I...

Day 7 - Let it Blogmas, Let it Blogmas, Let it Blogmas
One of my favourite parts about Christmas - The movies. Films filled with festive joy, magic and fun, what more can you really ask for...

100 Truths About Me - ManVsAdulthood
So let me start by saying thanks to 16-Bit Dad (https://www.16bitdad.com) for tagging me in this - you gent. This could be fun - a little...

Day 6 - Here Comes Blogmas Claus
One of the best parts of Christmas has to be hands down (or should I say up) the music! My Christmas playlist is a buzzing with joy and...

Day 5 - Little Blogmas Boy
This month is going quickly isn't it, Christmas will be here in no time. Today the post's title is The Christmas Attire. That's right we...