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Day 7 - Let it Blogmas, Let it Blogmas, Let it Blogmas

One of my favourite parts about Christmas - The movies. Films filled with festive joy, magic and fun, what more can you really ask for from the season. Plus the majority of Christmas flicks are once a year viewing. Which makes them even better - lets be honest when was the last time you watched "Its a Wonderful Life" - oh wait. 12 months ago. Well it's about time you saw it again. So here is my Top 5 Christmas films (in no order) as a guide of things to watch over this festive period.

Number 1. It's a Wonderful Life

As mentioned above, it is time to watch this 1946 classic emotional rollercoaster that is "It's a Wonderful Life". A beautiful story about an angel sent down from Heaven to help a down on his luck businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he didn't exist. You've probably seen it spoofed and parodied time and time again and I think that shows how significant this piece of art is. I guarantee you'll be welling up during this viewing and it's as effective and meaningful today as it was back in the 40's.

Honestly if you have never seen it - Please make it a must this Christmas time.

Number 2. Elf

Time for some light hearted fun now - after all it is Christmas.

To be honest I am not sure I need to even give the rundown of what happens in this film - but for you small few who have never seen it; After being raised by Elves in the North Pole, a man head to New York to find his real family and adjust to human life.

When you put it like that it sounds a bit odd - but as you know it's comedy genius, Will Ferrell excels as Buddy the Elf - a hyperactive over the top man boy raised by elves. It's genius.

Throw in a splash of Zooey Deschanel, James Caan, a bag of quotable lines and an epic snowball fight into the mix and you have one happy fun filled family must see. (Wow what a saying)

Number 3. The Night Before


This entry is a relatively new film but has automatically hit the top 5 list for me. It follows three lifelong friends as they spend Christmas eve in New York City looking for the lifelong dream of "The Nutcracker Ball" an epic, drink and drug fuelled party.

It's stuffed full of jokes, gags and references to other Christmas films that you wont stop laughing for the entire thing. While also hitting home with an underlying message of family, closure and love. It's on Netflix right now, check it out - keep an eye out for a cheeky Christmas Cameo from a pop sensation (it just works nicely).

Number 4. Christmas with the Coopers

Like the number 3 this is relatively new to the world of Christmas movies but nonetheless I think it captures the magic of the season beautifully. It's a set of intertwined stories revolving around a family as they build up to Christmas Eve. It's just a feel good enjoyable watch, with a star studded cast including; John Goodman, Ed Helms, Olivia Wilde and the beautiful Marisa Tomei.

You might see it floating around Amazon Prime and if so, click it, pop your feet up and enjoy this gem.

Number 5. Die Hard

Now time for the pieces de resistance, the cream of the crop, the BEST Christmas Film of all times (as voted by Empire Online - 22nd Dec 2016), had to throw that mention in so you didn't just think. Oh this guys likes it, no wonder he says it's the best - No it actually is the best.

So lets break it down (as if you don't know) Die Hard is about a cop from New York who tries to save his wife and other party guests from a German terrorist during a works Christmas Party in Los Angeles.


I can't express how much I love this movie and even with its problems (Green Vest) it's still a brilliant must watch festive film.

So there are my Top Five Festive Films. (And that was hard to break it down to just 5 as there are some greats out there) Check them out, or re watch them - enjoy the holidays and let me know what you like to watch, what is a must see and what makes you feel all warm and magical inside.

Honourable mentions also have to go to: Home Alone 1 & 2, The Snowman, The Grinch, The Santa Claus, Scrooge, Krampus, Office Christmas Party, Love Actually and The Great Escape.

Merry Blogmas Y'all

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