Day 8 - Hark! The Blogmas Angels Sing.

Welcome back my blogger darlings.
Today's post for Blogmas is about Christmas Eve traditions.
When I used to live with or visit my Dad I would have usually got their Christmas Eve or the day before. Living away I would also use this time to catch up with old friends.
Christmas Eve, I would meet up with old school friends who had also come back to the area, we'd head to the local pub and spend the night drinking, catching up and singing Christmas songs. Sometimes there would be a DJ and Karaoke and when there wasn't we'd cram enough money into the jukebox to become DJ's for the night. Dancing with people, singing songs and just chatting drunk rubbish all night.
It would be a magical evening and being in the local pub we'd end up bumping into people we once knew and rekindling other friendships. I remember one year bumping into a girl I once fancied - we danced and chatted all night drunkenly admitting how things once were but accepting that that boat had sailed long ago.
The hours would fly by and midnight would fast appear, the pub would be calling last orders for a good hour but being the gentle souls they were, they just couldn't close - business was good and the vibe was buzzing. So the doors would get locked and the party just carried on until one of us would suggest food. So we'd all bundle out of the pub and down to the takeaway which would always be open.
With food in hand, we'd have to decide who's house to head to and carry on drinking. Sadly this would usually end up being the other end of the town to my house - which means the cold drunken stumble home would be long but worth it.
Good times, I have some fond memories of Christmas Eve in the sleepy little rural town - but now I am older, settled down and frankly can't drink as much it's time to make new traditions.
This year I am doing Christmas with the GF's family so Christmas Eve I will be in Northampton. Unsure what the plan is but I am sure a new tradition will be born. Though I am sad to say goodbye to my old one. Next year we might have to try and bring it back.
What are your traditions, are you a stay home and chill - making sure you get a good 11 hours sleep before Santa turns up or are you a wild child hitting the town and wondering who will get home first you or Santa.