Day 9 - Blogmas the Snowman

Happy Weekend - use this weekend to read this post head out and buy some extra decorations because we are talking about Christmas in the Office.
As you might have guessed by now I LOVE Christmas and making this common knowledge to the office is a must. I am taking; decorations, music, secret Santa and festive attire (all things I have mentioned in this lovely Blogmas season already).
Secret Santa was drawn (I got the MD so the moral dilemma of appropriate or not is floating around my head) so we are getting ready for that and luckily come the final week before Christmas our office usually slows down, workloads shortens and fun can be had. Christmas Quizzes come out, someone brings a Playstation in for a FIFA and COD tournament and everyone just gets into the festive spirit.
We sit banks of desks in our office and when December 1st hits and the decorations go up it's clear to see who is the Elf and who is the Grinch. Well, this year is no exception, we've gone all out as per normal - tinsel, lights, wall hangings, angels and even a makeshift cardboard Christmas Tree.
I challenge you to go to work on Monday and make it look like Christmas has thrown up on your desk, pimp it out and make it as over the top and festive as possible. We've even made a snowman out of white plastic cups. Beat that.
What do you do? Show me.
Peace & Love