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100 Truths About Me - ManVsAdulthood

So let me start by saying thanks to 16-Bit Dad ( for tagging me in this - you gent.

This could be fun - a little "get to know me a bit better' kind of thing -

Q1: What’s your name?

A – Ross.

Q2: Any nicknames or aliases?

A – Roster, Hun.

Q3: Your gender?

A – Male.

Q4: Your star sign?

A – Sagittarius.

Q5: How old are you?

A – 26.

Q6: Your relationship status?

A – In a relationship.

Q7: Any children?

A – Just the lodger who needs our guidance - but no kids.

Q8: Any pets?

A – A cat . . . but not through choice.

Q9: Any tattoos or piercings?

A – I have a shamrock, a vase with flowers, a mountain scene and the 'Midnight' logo from the film Brick - but I am booked in for more next week.

Q10: What do you like about yourself?

A – My charm, confidence and my arms.

Q11: What do you dislike about yourself?

A – The loveable yet shameful midriff.

Q12: Righty or lefty?

A – Righty!


Q13: The last thing you drank?

A – A cuppa Tea.

Q14: The last thing you ate?

A – Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes.

Q15: Your last phone call?

A – The GF - checking where I am.

Q16: Your last text message?

A – It just said - "London woo! xxx"

Q17: Your last email?

A – To me personally - Funky Pigeon Confirmation.

Q18: The last song you listened to?

A – Not sure, some random rubbish on Kiss FM - office radio changes stations every day.

Q19: The last book you read?

A – The Snowman by Jo Nesbo - or some childs book about a dragon to my baby sister-in-law.

Q20: The last time you cried?

A – The other day I was chocked up watching something - can't remember what.

Q21: The last blog you read?

A – This post by @_itsmecolin.

Q22: The last person you spoke to?

A – Alex my work buddy.

Q23: The last place you visited?

A – The Brit - a rustic village pub.

Q24: Your last holiday abroad?

A – Amsterdam at the start of the year.


Q25: Have you ever gotten back with an ex?

A – Once.

Q26: Have you ever been cheated on?

A – Yes.

Q27: Have you ever cheated on someone?

A – Nope.

Q28: Have you ever lost someone special to you?

A – Yes.

Q29: Have you ever been so drunk you threw up?

A – Sign of a good night - mainly tactical.

Q30: Have you ever fallen out of love with someone?

A – Yes but for the best.

Q31: Have you ever met someone who changed you?

A – Yes, the majority of people I have met have helped shape my character.

Q32: Have you ever been in a situation where you found out who your real friends are?

A – Yes sadly.

Q33: Have you ever kissed someone you probably shouldn’t have?

A – Yeah, just a learning curve I guess.

Q34: Have you ever found out people were talking about you behind your back?

A – A few times.

Q35: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

A – I think so.

Q36: Have you ever kissed a stranger?

A – Yep…

Q37: Have you ever had your own heart-broken?

A – Couple of times.

Q38: Have you ever had sex on the first date?

A – Once or twice.

Q39: Have you ever been arrested?

A – Nope.

Q40: Have you ever been attracted to someone who isn’t the gender you usually find attractive?

A – Not seriously, but man-crushes don't count right?

Q41: Have you ever done something you regret?

A – No - I try to regret nothing, its happened for a reason. It reflection it might not of been the best choice but no regrets.

Q42: Have you ever had a threesome?

A – No, close once - to the point of all 3 of us sat on the bed. But no Cigar.

Q43: Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public?

A – Probably somewhere along the line.

Q44: Have you ever misjudged someone?

A – Sadly yeah, but it worked out.


Q45: Do you believe in God?

A – I am open to the idea and enjoy learning about it, but I wouldn't say I believe. But I respect the notion.

Q46: Do you believe in yourself?

A – Yeah - I am the man that can.

Q47: Do you believe in Santa Claus?

A – Yes! Unquestionably.

Q48: Do you believe in ghosts?

A – I do - swear blind I encountered on in my childhood.

Q49: Do you believe in aliens?

A – Yeah, (same answer as 16-Bit) I think there has to be something out there, in the whole entire universe we are the smarted race - that's a joke right.

Q50: Do you believe in miracles?

A – Yeah, especially a Christmas one.

Q51: Do you believe in the power of positive thinking?

A – Yeah, be positive and confident - you got this.

Q52: Do you believe in love at first sight?

A – Yes.

Q53: Can money make you happy?

A – Money can help lead to extended happiness.

Q54: Would you describe yourself as a feminist?

A – No, my perception of feminism is the extreme side of the coin. I believe everyone should be given the same equal opportunity. But I also believe that their are roles, jobs and actions best suited to certain genders.

Q55: Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

A – Again I see both the positive and negative sides of both options. But you should be allowed to make the decision you want, but within reason.

Q56: Do you have strong political beliefs?

A – No, I have very little knowledge on deficits and GDP's.

Q57: Do you have strong religious beliefs?

A – Similar to my God answer - I am open to ideas of all but not committed to anything.

Q58: What do you think the most important thing you can give a child is?

A – Your all. Security, Warmth, Safety and Comfort.


Q59: Are you eating anything right now?

A – Nope.

Q60: Are you drinking anything right now?

A – No - maybe I should make a tea.

Q61: What are you listening to right now?

A – Tracy Chapmans - Fast Car.

Q62: What are you thinking about right now?

A – My next move - in the game of chess I am playing online.

Q63: What are you waiting for right now?

A – The Christmas Party tomorrow night.

Q64: What are you most excited about right now?


Q65) What’s your pet hate right now?

A – People who are late.

Q66: What’s your favourite thing right now?

A – My Elf on a Shelf.

Q67: If you weren’t answering these questions, what would you be doing right now?

A – Work. . . .oops.


Q68: Your first best friend?

A – I have a handful - Tom, Jordan, Joe and Adam.

Q69: Your first kiss?

A – Lauren

Q70: Your first celebrity crush?

A – Sarah Michelle Gellar

Q71: Your first holiday?

A – France

Q72: Your first pet?

A – Always had a house of pets, maybe Charlie the Rabbit or Sam the Cat.

Q73: Your first regret?

A – I couldn't tell you - I don;t know.

Q74: Your first job?

A – Paper Round and shifts in the paper shop.

Q75: Your first childhood memory?

A – Going to the hospital, dragging my Noddy doll, visiting my new born sister.


Q76: Love or money?

A – Love.

Q77: Twitter or Facebook?

A – Twitter.

Q78: Hook up or relationship?

A – Relationship.

Q:79: Dogs or cats?

A – Dogs

Q80: Coffee or tea?

A – Tea

Q81: Beer or wine?

A – Beer

Q82: Sweet or savoury?

A – Savoury.

Q83: Introvert or extrovert?

A – Extrovert.

Q84: Vampires or werewolves?

A – Vampires, all the way.

Q85: Seaside or countryside?

A – Countryside.

Q86: Summer or winter?

A – Winter - its magical.

Q87: Books or movies?

A – Movies.

Q88: Horror or comedy?

A – Comedy - Horrors are Horrors these days. But Comedies done right are timeless.


Q89: Do you wish you could change your past?

A – Nope.

Q90: What’s your dream job?

A – Film Maker.

Q91: What’s your guilty pleasure?

A – I love a good Rom-Com.

Q92: What are you afraid of?

A – Going Blind or the dark depths of the ocean.

Q93: What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?

A – An artist.

Q94: If you could have any super power, what would it be?

A – Teleportation.

Q95: If you could change anything about your life what would it be?

A – Would have to be money, i'd prefer to be comfortable, giving me the chance to do something I enjoy and spend more time with people I love.

Q96: Would you want immortality?

A – Pure out of curiosity yes I would take it.

Q97: If you could interview anyone alive or dead who would you choose?

A – Nick Frost - I think we'd get on like a hoot.

Q98: Would you say you are happy?

A – Yes.

Q99: What one piece of advice would you give to yourself at age eighteen?

A – "You da man, don't get hung up on the little things"

Q100: Where would you like to be in five years’ time?

A – Living the Dream!

Now it's your turn to have a go.


- Christie - @christieleighmx -

- Maud - @blog_mpp -

- Saph - @SimplySaphBlog -

- Bexa - @hellobexa -

- Lyn - @lynzfrazer -

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