Day 10 - Blogmas in Hollies
Today's lovely gem is about Christmas as an Adult. Christmas is such a magical thing and I hope to never lose that, but I can see how and...
Day 4 - Rockin' Around the Blogmas Tree
Happy Monday today we are talking about T.V Christmas Specials (full disclosure this post was originally about something else, but I felt...
Day 2 - I wish it could be Blogmas everyday
Today's post is about "Buying Gifts for Him" and a handy idea list for the perfect gift for the man in your life. I am just going to...
Quick Update on the Life of Me.
Morning Troops, Followers, and fellow Blogvengers. I have not posted for 8 days now, but strangely it feels like I have posted loads,...
The Calm Before the Storm. . .
10 days into November and the calm before the storm is almost over, my weekends are about to stack up and as they say "shit is about to...