The Morning After The Night Before.
Growing older has a different effect on everyone but there is one thing that I think we can all agree on and that is our ability to drink and recover from hangovers starts to diminish.
It's a subtle change that might start with just sleeping a little longer or having a small headache but then it gets serious. The feeling of an overwhelming pain, lack of energy and a thirst that can't be quenched are just some of the signs that in every cliche of the term you are "Getting too old for this shit" (As I typed that autocorrect changed the word to shot. Which I feel is also a valid saying).
I've been at this stage for a few years now, I used to be able to put away 15 pints and then get up at 6am have a shower, a bacon roll, shake it off and go to work #Fresh. Looking back now I loved them times, working with a massive hangover but feeling good enough to get back on it the second my shift ends - they were good times.
Its not like that anymore kids - oh no that's for sure.
Now days I have this strange way of dealing with the morning after, I wake up at the crack of dawn thanks to an odd body clock - which is cool as I don't like the idea of sleeping all day and wasting it. This means I can potter, tidy, shower and probably even watch a film all while the GF sleeps. Then a few hours in and it hits me, the pain becomes real, I'm left curled up in a ball at the end of the sofa swearing and cursing the person who invented two-for-one drinks deals. Head pounding, eyes soar, throat dry - this is the end. I can see the light and that's it.
And that's it the day is gone, wasted and lost to the side effects of a boozy hazy night.
I'd love to tell you all it gets easier but it honestly doesn't, Hangovers last days now rather than hours and that sinking feeling of regret isn't because of who you kissed the night before, its now because you know the whole weekend is written off thanks to messy Friday night.
So my advice would be to do it while you can; Enjoy drinking, having a mad one, a liquid lunch or even just a casual half after work. Make the most of it because the older you get the worse it is.
Now if you don't mind I'm going to finish my descent into darkness and death.
It's been a pleasure!